Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh hey there.

Wow.  It's been about ten months since I was last on here, and frankly, it's really hard to read.  Apparently last year was a dark part of my life and I'm only now realizing it.  Let's get us all up to speed.

That boy I was dating in the last post?  We're still together, ten months later.  We exchanged I Love Yous in September and moved in together in January.  It's been an interesting five months.  Well, some of the months were trying, especially because he was unemployed for four of them, but we persevered.  We had our breakdowns (mostly I did).  We've made our plans.  And honestly?  Honestly, right now, right this moment, I couldn't be happier about anything.  I love him so much it scares me.  And I am okay with that.

The job at which I was stuck?  I left it at the beginning of December.  I was offered a job right outside of Washington, D.C., in October, so I finished up here and started there before Christmas.  Thankfully, the boy was willing to leave his life for a new one with me.  I've been here in the office since January 3, and it was a tough winter, I'm not going to lie.  It was only about three weeks ago that I started to feel like I lived here, instead of living in Florida still and just working and sleeping here.  But for a Southern girl, it's hard to feel welcome when you can't feel your fingers.

As for friends, you learn who they are when you move 800 miles away.  I'm returning to Florida for the first time since I left and I won't see a lot of people.  And that's fine with me.  Since moving up here, I've reconnected with old friends and made some new ones.  To be fair though, I spend the majority of my time, outside work, with my boyfriend, and that makes me very happy.  I know that's disgusting.

We are also planning on getting married and having beautiful, big-headed babies, sometime in the near future. 

It's a hell of a difference a few months makes.  You don't realize that immediately, but hindsight reveals all.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that you're doing so well and that you're in love. How incredible. You're very right: it's a hell of a difference a few months makes.
